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Video: Dan Gilbert Joins Cubs at White House to Celebrate World Series

Just when you thought Cavs owner Dan Gilbert couldn’t possibly make himself any more disliked in Cleveland, he joins the Chicago Cubs at the White House to celebrate the 2016 World Series.

Gilbert has been a well-documented supporter of President Donald Trump, making significant contributions to his campaign and attending a fundraiser in 2016.

For what it’s worth, LeBron James has been about as anti-Trump as any pro athlete and has used his public platform to criticize the president at various times over the past two years.

“Where’s Dan? Where’s Dan Gilbert? He’s right outside — grab him. Where’s Dan? Dan Gilbert just came in.” Trump said, “He’s the basketball — he’s looking for a good basketball player. Anybody play basketball?”

Gilbert made a light joke saying,”This is tough for a guy from Cleveland,” a reference to the Cleveland Indians loss to the Cubs in the World Series that made the room laugh. Trump then encouraged Gilbert to join the Cubs for a picture.

Gilbert was at the White House to share a story of Detroit’s transformation, as he’s been a major investor in the revitalization of his hometown.

Matt Medley is co-editor at NEO Sports Insiders, covers the Cleveland Cavaliers, Cleveland Indians and high school sports in Northeast Ohio. Follow @MedleyHoops on Twitter for live updates from games.

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