In Cleveland weather is always something to consider for baseball’s opening day. This year the sun may be an issue and not in the way of warming the ballpark. The total solar eclipse coincides with the Guardians home opener on April 8 against the White Sox. Only 21 total solar eclipses have crossed the United States. The last time this occurred in Ohio was in 1806 and is not set to happen again until 2099.
Past opening days
Over the years, fans braved the rain, freezing weather or if they were lucky, it was a mild spring day to welcome baseball back in town. Snow, yes, snow has interfered with opening day. In 1996 over seven inches of snow fell cancelling the home opener and again in 2007 the game was called after just four innings due to snow. Fans may also remember when inclement weather postponed opening day in 2016.
Having a ballpark on Lake Erie leaves the weather as a concern but in 2024 it’s not the lake that will step in the way on the corner of Carnegie and Ontario. The moon will block out the sun for close to four minutes in Cleveland at approximately 3:15 to 3:17 in the afternoon. Those who view the eclipse require special glasses to do so. Fans may not be the only ones in attendance for the game. Nocturnal wildlife may also make an appearance thinking it’s nighttime. A possum running through the outfield isn’t out of the question!
Cleveland a hot spot for the eclipse
NASA is set to be live at the Great Lakes Science Center highlighting the total solar eclipse. This could cause some traffic and parking concerns as upwards of 50,000 people are set to descend downtown.
The Guardians organization has yet to set a time for first pitch. They will be providing more information closer to opening day. Tentatively the game would start at 7:10 pm as from 2:00 to 4:30 people will require special eyewear outside. It’s not yet known if the Guardians will hand out the special glasses and play baseball in the eclipse or if the start time will be adjusted. The organization is working alongside others in the city to make this opening day special. Curtis Danburg Guardians Vice President of Communications and Community Impact told the media, “It’s going to be a unique phenomenon. We’re ready to embrace it.”
Of all the momentous home openers this season will be out of this world.

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