All good in my neighborhood! The tale of #MunchOnSports…
It all began 45 years ago today shortly after 7am as Morning Show host extraordinaire John Fisher (BTW he still is!) gave me a call at home and noted “Here’s our new sports guy Mark Bishop with his very first report” on QFM96: WLVQ-FM 96.3. went on to talk Buckeyes, Buckeyes and more Buckeyes then tossed in some Tribe and Reds. Like any good show host “Fishman” then decided to test me and asked “By the way who wins the World Series this year? Without hesitation I noted “The Pittsburgh Pirates will play the Baltimore Orioles and The Family will triumph over the Birds. It took close to 2 months but when that did happen there was some props and respect for my reports and predictions.
Let’s back up just a bit. Prior to that phone call I was managing, running the deli counter, tending bar and more at the one and only Bernie’s Bagels and Deli at 67 E. Gay Street in downtown Columbus. A brand new rock station (QFM96: WLVQ-FM 96.3) had come into being just a little while earlier right across the street in the Buckeye Building. Taft Broadcasting at that time had the AM Powerhouse in town (News Radio 610 WTVN) and decided it was time to Rock Columbus on the 96.3 frequency. Since the deli was right across the street the air talent, sales and management teams came in frequently for lunch, dinner, or a cold one (or two plus some shots!) after their day at the station. It was during this time that I struck up a friendship with QFM PD and builder Tom Teuber. Sadly, Tom was called Home not too long ago. We would talk over the bar while I served him or simply plopped down next to him and talked sports and music. YUP SPORTSROCKERS was born! Also I must add I was attending Capital University Law School at the time. Yeah, it was tough working full time and doing Law School (Plus I did enjoy the nightlife) when out of the clear blue sky, at least to me, Tom asked “Have you ever considered doing sports on the radio?” I noted NO and he continued that since QFM was a rock station its core was Men and yes Sports and Rock n Roll went hand in hand! He asked me if I could do two reports in the morning before I went to class as he liked my “fan” style. He needed me to sit and chat with the morning host (John Fisher) to see if we hit it off. We did and yes, I felt that John tolerated this non-radio savvy guy. Teuber had noted “he did not want a pole up his butt pompous sports guy, but a fan talking sports like we did at the bar! BOOM. Suffice to say shortly thereafter Law School was a thing of the past. MUNCH ON SPORTS arrived shortly after when top man Tom Teuber told me I needed a rock n roll moniker for my brand. I noted that s few called me “Munch” from hoops in HS and he noted he would work off of that. Shortly after MUNCH THE MORNING MADMAN was born along with MUNCH ON SPORTS!
I also must add that when John called me the first time, I thought it was a dry run. At that time, one did not have to let a caller know if they were on the air or not. I must have been accepted as before you know I was doing 2 sports reports a morning then off to class and back to the deli. Did I get paid? HECK YES! $70 a week for 10 reports. Before you knew it afternoon radio god Mr. Bill (aka Bill Pugh asked me if I could do a 5p report and he would get me some albums and a drink or two at the ALROSA VILLA where we both hung to hear LIVE music. YUP, I was in. I must note Bill must have some sports cache as his brother is world renowned Sports Guru Dan Patrick! Now this was almost my undoing as BOSS MAN Teuber grabbed one day and asked, “why was I doing sports in the afternoon.\?” Now Mr. Bill was free spirit, and it slipped his mind to tell the boss he had a new sidekick! I was granted official permission and off we went.
I also found out that radio is a fluid business as Tom Teuber left shortly after and took John with him to start a new rock station in Chicago! Yup, Tom was great at creating a powerful product. Time went on and in ’90 I was blessed to go back home and be a part of WMMS! Very cool as I felt I had two homes, CBUS and #TheCLE! I bounced back to Columbus in the mid 90’s then back to Cleveland to be a part of Lanigan, Webster and Malone on Majic 105.7 – Cleveland and ‘MMS again doing sports plus marketing and promotion! Yup you can never do enough in this biz! In 2007 I was approached by the good people (best friends to this day) at Good Karma Broadcasting and asked to join ESPN 850 WKNR were I stayed for 10 great years then off to the powerful Newsradio WTAM 1100 plus Fox Sports 1350, 1380 and 1390 until October of ’22. I treasured being the voice of the Indians then Cleveland Guardians pregame show with other duties on THE BIG ONE and I cannot forget to shoehorn in one of my other loves…doing the Ohio State Buckeyes football pregame and post-game show on WTVN for over 10 years. I am honored as to this day folks say “we miss you on that show” when it’s been 18 years! Now I am lucky to be a part of NEO Sports Insiders. do Cleveland Crunch PxP on WOBL WDLW Sports plus assist at News-Talk 1480 WHBC as needed.
Sheesh there is so much more such as doing play by play and color for HS and College sports on TV and radio plus some professional endeavors all took place during this run. To this day HS football is my hands down favorite to do PxP!
Here’s the bottom line… in 45 years I have not worked a day in my life and my on-air duties were supplemented by my role in marketing, promotions, and sales! What am I most proud of? A 45-year run? Blessed for that but most importantly that I was able to support my family (#DonnaStrong and 4 children) with Mrs. Munch being able to not work for years and raise a family, something no one did better. This was in spite of the fact that she put a career as a Pharmacist on hold until 3 of the 4 were in HS ad the youngest in Jr. High.
I knew I flew through this timeline quickly but truly I have enough for a book, and yes that will happen “soon come” (as my Jamaican Brothers and Sisters say!).
I can talk about all the guests, sports, entertainment and political folks and I will in some future installments of “ALL GOOD IN MY NEIGHBORHOOD.”
There are so many THANKS to hand out for those putting up with me and to those nurturing me and who made me better. So many shows that welcomed me and in turn I was able to welcome them when the time came. Quite a few contributors too from all types of media, local and national. Coaches, Managers, Players…you have been so kind to give me your time. PD’s? The infamous Program Directors and I have had the best of the best and…! I will name some as they deserve to be mentioned: Tom Teuber, Buzz Knight, Steve Konrad, Darryl Parks, Jason Gibbs and Ray Davis are at the top of the list. Also a special THANKS to Don Martin who believed in me to give me a national forum! Also to this day I get wisdom from Pat Still and Bill Pugh. Thank you, friend.
The most important, heartfelt THANK YOUS are for YOU, for your support. YOU truly are the stars, and I am YOUR BIGGEST FAN! Here’s hoping a simple THANK YOU conveys that message.
Stay tuned, there is more to come!
Read more my musings and thoughts plus “All Good” narratives at www.neosportsinsiders.com and yes indeed #MunchOnSports is powered by Ganley Chevy Of Aurora and the Ken Ganley Automotive Group.
Please take care of each other and it’s your world, pay attention. Always enjoy every sandwich and for now ADIOS AMIGO, long may you run.

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