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The Super Hero Bowl, DC vs Marvel: Who Will Win?

Who would in The Super-Hero Bowl? – Football Teams made of Super Heroes.

More often than not you will see the Iron Man movies all over the television, along with the Captain America and Avengers movies. Marvel has done a fantastic job of creating and developing these classic characters and their worlds and story lines. And now, DC has begun to start development of the Batman and Super Man movies required to make the Justice League as real as the Avengers with the movie Dawn of Justice. But this is not a movie review.

Also, the NFL Draft is quickly approaching (I know it’s late in April), I have been researching Mock Drafts, draft simulators, potential trade scenarios, and potential busts and sleepers every second I get the chance to and have a strong enough Wi-Fi connection.

With that all being said, my thoughts crossed paths and I told myslef, why the hell don’t we put together two football rosters made up of the worlds greatest super hero’s? And under the fairest of circumstances, which of course is open to interpretation(s), we must wonder…who will win?

If I may, I would like to preface this article with a few explanations of my decisions to put certain characters or “players” in the positions that I did…with more of a word association type of approach. AND, it would be as fair a game as possible; no accessories (shields, gadgets, cars, animals, whips, weapons, etc.) and no flying…at least don’t get caught flying by the refs. And both teams play a 4-3 defense. And no mind control!

Descriptive Explanations listed below:

QB – Classic, with leadership qualities
WR – fast but not allowed to fly that would be ridiculous….
RB – strong and durable also classic
OL – Big, strong
DL – not OL big but big, fast and ferocious
LB – antagonistic, mean, and deadly
Secondary – quick, smart, they are not allowed to fly, but no one will notice
Special teams – whatever
Coaching staff – Intelligent, venerable, savvy and cunning

Here are the rosters for Super Hero Bowl!

(Continue on Next Page)

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Danny Simpson is a 4 year graduate from John Carroll University in Cleveland with a BA in Communications and Theatre Arts where he specialized in broadcast and theatre production. Graduated from Aurora High School, Danny has lived in North East Ohio all his life and love Cleveland Sports. Currently enrolled at The Ohio Center for Broadcasting in the Sports emphasis program, Danny hopes to make a name for himself somewhere for some professional or collegiate sports organization.



  1. Paul Hagerman

    March 25, 2016 at 2:38 pm

    Hey Daredevil is Marvel Not DC you might want to correct that mistake.

  2. Danny Simpson

    March 25, 2016 at 5:52 pm

    “you might want to correct that mistake?” No kidding!

  3. Danny Simpson

    March 25, 2016 at 6:51 pm

    Corrections Made!

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