1997 – Can you say Montreal Screwjob?
1998 – The Rock wins a tournament for the vacant WWF championship, joining the “evil” Corporation in the process.
1999 – Stone Cold Steve Austin gets run over by a car, driven by Rikishi and planned by HHH.
2000 – Chyna and Chris Jericho put on a classic for the WWF Intercontinental Championship
2001 – The greatest Survivor Series of all time as WCW battles WWF for a winner take all!
2002 – The first Elimination Chamber Match see’s Shawn Michaels win the World Championship after sitting on the sidelines for nearly five years with a back injury.
2003 – Mr. McMahon buries the “Biker Version” Undertaker for good.
2004 – Cleveland hosts the Survivor series for the fourth time. (87,88 and 92)
2005 – Booker T and Chris Benoit engage in a classic that will now be ignored by the WWE forever.
2006 – CM Punk, DX and The Hardy Boyz form the greatest team in Survivor Series History
2007 – A returning Edge ruins the Batista versus Undertaker Main event.

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