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The Five Greatest WWE Summerslams In History

4th Best Summerslam of all time – 2000

This night saw the last remnant of the original DX as Road Dogg took on X-Pac.  From there, it was a classic grudge match between Shane McMahon and Steve Blackman that saw Shane fall nearly 90 feet from the Titantron onto a giant air mattress covered with boxes.  The Kendo stick smash by Blackman remains an everlasting image in the minds of wrestling fans who saw it.

The sex appeal was off the charts on this night as well.  Chyna and Trish Stratus went toe to toe in an intergender match that saw Eddie Guerrero and Val Venis take part in it. On the card a scantly glad Kat did battle with Terri Runnells.  This was at a time that WWE Women’s wrestling was more about skin and less about in ring talent.

As great as all that was, the best matches were still yet to come.  This show featured the initial TLC match and perhaps the greatest ladder match, or gimmick match in Summerslam history.  Edge & Christian, The Dudley Boys and The Hardy Boyz set the stage for what a tag team ladder match should be.  The clinic they put on that night, may never be topped.

Need more proof of how great this night was?  How about a Chris Benoît vs Chris Jericho best of 3 match?  These two men were in their prime and tore down the house.  WWE Hall of Famer Jerry the King Lawler even got some work in with a win over Tazz.

The only match that didn’t stack up was The Undertaker vs Kane.  But that was ok, as they would go on to battle 1,104 more times in the next 10 years.  The main event did deliver however, with the three biggest names on the active roster going toe to toe.  It was a Triple Threat for the title as The Rock defended against HHH and Kurt Angle.

That match is very memorable for Kurt Angle sustaining a devasting concussion seconds into it thanks to a botched HHH pedigree attempt on the Spanish announce table.  The Rock as he always did back then, stole the show upon arrival and carried the match with HHH the rest of the way.  It was a fantastic card and the end of the attitude era as we knew it.

Honorable mentions (with best matches of the card included)

1992 – Bret Hart vs British Bulldog for the IC Belt as 80,000 fans watched on from Wembley Stadium.

1995 – HBK vs Razor Ramon ladder match for the IC belt in a rematch of their WrestleMania X classic.

1998 – Stone Cold vs The Undertaker for the WWF Heavyweight Championship at the peak of the Attitude Era.

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