Local radio personality Bruce Hooley of WKNR ESPN Cleveland 850 tweeted a controversial statement on Sunday, relaying information that was allegedly told to him by Browns’ beat reporter Tony Grossi:
@TonyGrossi says Manziel showed up at facility this week, "Disheveled and inebriated." There's your title for season highlight video!!!
— Bruce Hooley (@BHOOLZ) January 3, 2016
If that report is true, it may be related to another story that Manziel was seen in Las Vegas Saturday night. Perhaps, the 23-year-old felt like his days in Cleveland were numbered anyway.
Manziel failed to show up at team facilities in Berea Sunday for treatment for his concussion.
It would be quite an ending to the “Johnny Football Era” in Cleveland, if less than two years after being selected in the first-round of the 2014 NFL draft, Manziel’s final days in Cleveland were remembered for showing up to practice drunk, flying to Vegas the night before a game, and failing to report for treatment the day of the last game of the season.

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