It was back on June 13th when Kent State incoming freshman football player Tyler Heintz died of complications from high body temperature during the second day of Football Camp at the university.
CBS Sports today unveiled some disturbing news about the death of Heintz, that being that the head football strength coach who oversaw conditioning drills at Kent State may have not had any professional certification which is required by the NCAA.
Here’s what the site had to say about the investigation:
Kent State cannot produce any professional certification required by the NCAA for the head football strength coach who oversaw conditioning drills the day freshman Tyler Heintz died of complications from an abnormally high body temperature, CBS Sports has learned.
In fact, Golden Flashes strength coach Ross Bowsher — beginning his second year with the program — seems to be the only member of the strength and conditioning and training staffs without certification.
If Bowsher is not certified, that would be a violation of NCAA Bylaw 11.1.5, which states that strength coaches “must maintain current certification through a nationally accredited strength and conditioning certification program.”
A Kent State spokesman told CBS Sports “there were no responsive records” to a Freedom of Information Act request for copies of the strength and conditioning staff’s certification.
Dennis Dodd discusses the investigation regarding the death of a Kent State player.

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