Super Bowl 51 is upon us tonight from Houston and will feature the AFC Champion New England Patriots and NFC Champion Atlanta Falcons. NEOSI has their picks ready to go, but let’s take a look at the standings going into tonight:
1. Matt Loede: 8-2
1. David Sprouse: 8-2
2. Brandon Soeder-Penner: 6-4
2. Sam Amico: 6-4
3. Eli Mooneyham: 5-5
4. Matt Medley: 4-6
Here’s our picks for the game, with the score being our tiebreaker if needed.
Matt Loede: Patriots 34 Falcons 13
David Sprouse: Falcons 31 Patriots 28
Brandon Soeder-Penner: Falcons 41
Patriots 24
Sam Amico: Falcons 38 Patriots 33
Eli Mooneyham: Patriots 31 Falcons 21
Matt Medley: Falcons 34 Patriots 31

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