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Munch Musings from E. 53rd St and Hamm Avenue

I need these musings to be FUN plus entertaining as I have some inquiries and some folks to call to task. Not just them personally but those who go along with what I would call some twisted and bizarre trains of thought. Now I was going to title this “Examples of those who should not have kids” but that is a bit heavy plus the Mrs. noted I am sleeping on the couch tonight if I go ahead with that moniker so at least I got a mention in. Perhaps it is more fitting to note that some of these examples from fans (in name only) should take away their use of social media. I know…social gives folks a voice but please be honest here…some do not deserve a voice. Some write letters to the editor and yes if they supply proper info their letters are usually printed, and it shocks me that some of these folks can actually put together their blather into words. To me these folks are to be called NAF (not a fan).

Here we go with the lead off item! As a preeminent OHIO STATE homer, honk and shill in addition to being an Alum (Along with #DonnaStrong and our youngest daughter and son) of course I was dismayed when THEE Ohio State Football team lost to ttun in the regular season. YES, I knee jerked and immediately called for Coach Day’s dismissal.  I quickly took a step back and was quoted as saying “let’s see what happens down the stretch.” We know what happened! WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS, and as an Alum I CAN say that! So with the above noted I was horrified when one of my favorite Buckeye publications the Buckeye Sports Bulletin had a letter with the following content: the creator noted that “he was not satisfied with the National Championship after losing to ttun and not winning the Big Ten.” WHAT!! If that does not overcome the distaste of the defeat, then what will? He was also ticked that the Buckeyes did not win the Big Ten. So, a National Championship does not overcome that fact? HELP ME OUT HERE! PLEASE, find another team to root for as this one is at the top of the list. This malcontent is NOT A FAN.

I have brought this one up before but the morning after the Cleveland Cavaliers came back from a 3-1 deficit and beat the Golden State Warriors to win the NBA Championship, I was stopped as I was getting a cup of coffee in the Galleria. The person (NAF) shook my hand and exchanged “CAVS ARE CHAMPS” and straight faced said “Think how much better the team would be if they did not trade Wiggins for Love.” PARDON FREAKING ME!! As I had 2 hours of sleep, I rudely excused myself from this person’s company noting “it’s time for you to move to another city.”

Another one that gets me and I hear it from NAF’s and media is “I cannot cheer for the Cleveland Guardians because they are cheap.” I have also mentioned this before, but it is perfect for this musing. To compound this tired narrative many, go on to say, “as least the Haslams spend money.” SOOOOO losing is ok if the owner spends money including in the worst trade in the history of sports! YUP you got it – for Deshame Watson! It was just a few years ago when the Guards spent big for Zunino and Bell. Did they work out ? NOPE. Gotta ask…wouldn’t you rather have the team WIN?? For too many of you, sadly, your answer is apparently no.

Another issue with the rabble (aka browns fans truly NAF’s) is the 180 they take in favor of anything this team, which they claim can do no wrong, does! Support Johnny donkey, HECK YES. He’s a brown. DeShame, it’s ok, he’s, our QB. Let Hall get back on the field and Jameis (Shameis)? He found Jesus, and as I inquired is this the same Jesus the women he was abusing prayed to when he had his way with them? Now with MYLES. He’s our guy, but he just was a malcontent a few days ago? You want character? Apparently not as we see with this team that throwing money as players just does not work. If you do not desire to be here or have winning as a priority the money is not going to solve that.

A last one here that was noted in my last CAVS story. Folks out of shape due to the City Edition blue the team wears and the court resembling the unis. They were talking about the threads more than the team! ISN’T IT THE TEAM THAT MATTERS regardless of what uniforms they are wearing? Shucks just don’t make them maize and blue as I just may have an issue with that.

In summation quite a few folks simply NEED TO GET A LIFE! I may be one of them at times, but I have no problem looking in the mirror at night.

Read more of my thoughts and musings on NEO Sports Insiders. Munch on Sports is powered by the Ken Ganley Automotive Group & Ganley Chevy Of Aurora.

Please take care of each other and it’s your world, pay attention. Indeed, enjoy every sandwich and for now ADIOS AMIGO, long may you run.


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