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This Friday night in Columbus, Ohio’s largest MMA promotion invades the cage again as Iron Tiger 83 takes place. The card is stacked with 15 action packed matches.
Iron Tiger will feature every different weight class available and all different experience levels as well on this card. The card will take place at the Hollywood Casino in the heart of Columbus. You still have time to grab your tickets for this great event by heading over to www.cagetix.com/irontiger
The 15 big fights on the card are listed below.
Blake Treen vs Collin Poling
Austin Bullion vs Deshawn Morton
Nick Schmitz vs Brendan Smitke
Roy Nichols vs Joseph Neill
Sam Kern vs Tyler Felts
James Baldridge vs Michael Arrieta
Jayden Taulker vs Cameron Pool
Terry Demore vs Donnie Scott
Feraris Golden Jr. vs Jimmy Sandlin
Ryan Santana vs Nick Foxhuber
Travis Hussey vs Warren Roberds
James Sanchez vs Jake Miller
Robert Gidron vs Lance Phillips
Leroy Johnson vs Matt Comer
Aaron Highbaugh vs Mike Mason

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