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Matt Hughes Leaves Hospital Months After Near Fatal Accident

In what can only be described as a miracle, UFC Hall of Famer and legendary fan favorite, Matt Hughes left the hospital for the first time since near fatal accident over 60 days ago.

As many of you recall, Hughes truck was struck by a train at a crossing and it left the former multi time champion in a coma with signs of being brain dead.

Now, through the power of Christ, and an unwilling drive to live, Hughes is able to speak again and communicate with his best friend Tony Zucca.  Hughes was even able to leave the hospital for a few hours this weekend, and have lunch with Zucca who posted this very heartfelt post below.


“I can’t even describe the emotions I am feeling as I write this post. Less than two months ago I didn’t know if my best friend was going to make it, and tonight we made a jail break for sushi (in disguise. Ha). Talk about a rollercoaster of emotions! His progress is nothing short of a miracle. He is working so hard and fights through the frustration. He is, as he’s always been, an inspiration. I can’t wait to hit the mats with him again…and he told me today that he has “one more round” left in him! Ha. (He laughed…but definitely wasn’t joking!). Thank you for all of your prayers! Please keep them up as he still has a long road ahead of him. I am witnessing the power of them firsthand! So thankful!””


The road to recovery will be a long one for Hughes, but this is a positive sign and a gigantic turn around from when this first occurred.  May we all have a little of the fighting spirit that Hughes carries with him every day.

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