I have had the pleasure of being there live for five WrestleMania cards (18, 22, 23, 24, 26, and 27) and I can tell you first hand that being at a Mania live is like nothing else as a wrestling fan.
It truly is like being at a Super Bowl (another event I’ve had the pleasure of covering twice). The wrestlers go all out in every way, shape and form, and the fans are jacked from the moment the announcers make their way to the ring to when the last bit of pyro goes off.
With having seen each and every Mania either live or on TV more than once, I share with you today a personal list, that being my all-time 10 favorite WrestleMania matches.
I realize there are no right or wrong answers to this list, but I will try to convince you why I love these matches, some of which I enjoy for very different reasons.
Sit back and enjoy, and feel free to agree or disagree in our comments section on this list.
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