Recently Lavar Ball, father of UCLA point guard Lonzo Ball, has been in the news a lot. Lavar has said plenty of outlandish things such as he would beat Michael Jordan one-on-one in their respective primes. Another statement Lavar has made is that Lonzo Ball is the best player in the world and is even better than LeBron James and Russell Westbrook.
Another recent statement that Lavar has made is that LeBron James’ son, LeBron James Jr. will not succeed in the NBA.
On Tuesday according to ESPN.com LeBron James, directed a cease-and-desist order to Lavar Ball.
LeBron James had this to say regarding the comments that Lavar Ball has made:
“Keep my kids’ name out of your mouth, keep my family out of your mouth. This is dad to dad. It’s a problem now.”
LeBron has two young sons, LeBron James Jr (12 years old) and Bryce Maximus James (9 years old). LeBrons’ oldest son Bronny has verbal scholarships from Duke and Kentucky as of last summer.
LaVar has said that his sons are better set up for success in the NBA compared to LeBrons’ sons because they do not have to live up to the expectations of a 4-time NBA MVP.
LaVar Ball had this to say as to why his sons will be more successful then LeBrons’:
“You got LeBron, it’s going to be hard for his kids because they are going to look at them like, ‘You got to be just like your dad.’ And after a while, that pressure starts sitting on you like, ‘Why do I got to be just like him? What can’t I just be me?’ And then they are going to be like, ‘Aw, you’re soft, you’re not that good.’ Because the expectation is very, very high.”
LeBron James also had this to say about LaVar:
“I actually like his son. I like his game. He can talk all about his brand, talk about his sons, talk about basketball, talk about me, but keep my family out of this.”

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