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Is Peyton Manning Hiding Something?

After many Budweisers Peyton Manning has made his decision. If you haven’t heard, Manning is retired.

After playing 18 years in the National Football League with both the Indianapolis Colts and Denver Broncos, Peyton has decided to call it quits.

Through Manning’s 18 year career, Peyton managed to win two Super Bowl championships.

Did Manning make this decision to retire on his own? Or is Peyton just doing this to cover his behind?

In December of 2015, reports had came out that Manning was linked to using Performance Enhancing Drugs (PEDs) in a list from Al Jazeera.

Jazeera had listed many names that he said were linked to PEDs. Jazeera had names from the NFL like, Clay Matthews, Mike Neal, Julius Peppers, James Harrison, and Dustin Keller.

On the Major League Baseball side, Ryan Howard and Ryan Zimmerman. What do most of the names listed have that Manning does not?

All of those names are still playing their current sports and not retiring. Many people believed that Al Jazeera’s report were false because most athletes claimed that they would never use such a drug, well Manning declined that report and got defensive.

Manning’s former team, the Colts, even defended Peyton in Jazeera’s accusation of PEDs.

Let’s look at Peyton Manning in the last couple of years. Flash back to when he came back from his neck injury and started to break records with his new team, the Broncos.

Not many people can do that, did Manning do that because of his use of PEDs? What about the fact that this season Peyton couldn’t even throw a spiral for 30 yards in a few games, yet somehow manages to come back and lead the Broncos to a Super Bowl victory.

Is he hiding something that nobody will ever find out?

Going into the future, will the news of Manning being in the list of Al Jazeera’s PED list impact his legacy?

If you would like to give me your input tweet at me @PaytonVince and use #PeytonManningRetirement.

Payton Vince is either talking about sports or watching sports. He covers sports for Metro Networks and is also a writer for He grew up in Brooklyn Heights,Ohio for most of his life then around senior year of high school moved to Cleveland. A fan of the Cleveland Indians, Cavaliers, and a Pittsburgh Steelers, he graduated from Cuyahoga Heights High School (Class of 2014) and also graduated from the Ohio Center for Broadcasting in 2015. He bowled and played baseball in high school, and is a huge fan of independent wrestling and WWE, and can almost always find him at an independent show. Lastly, Payton is a backstage interviewer for Mega Championship Wrestling in Elyria, and is one of the three on ‘That Sports Show’ which airs daily from 2-4pm on

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