The Bay Rockets had a late bus as they arrived five minutes past original first pitch time. The rushed warm-ups led to the home team, Normandy Invaders scoring 6 runs in the first inning and an additional run in the 2nd inning to lead 7-0 after two innings. This led to a 5th inning stoppage once the Invaders went up by 10 runs to win the game 11-1.
During the first inning, Normandy’s entire batting rotation step up to the plate as the runs kept coming. Bay, who came into this game with a 7-1 record was unable to recover from a position that they’re not used to being in.
The Bay Rockets (now 7-2) will play at Vermilion on Thursday at 4:45 while the Normandy Invaders (4-5) will play host to Valley Forge on Thursday at 4:30.

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