Last night the Cleveland Indians played in their second game of the 2017 MLB season and defeated the Rangers by a score of 4-3.
Before the game, Indians relief pitcher Shawn Armstrong played catch with Rangers fan Drake Varner before the game. Doug Varner posted the video on twitter of Drake and Shawn playing catch and gave Armstrong kudos.
Kudos to @SArmstrong90 for playing catch w #TexasRangers fan DrakeVarner b4 the game. Go catch a game @ #globelifepark #clevelandindians pic.twitter.com/DPcDBm9Eyc
— Doug Varner (@varnerdl) April 5, 2017
It's the little things about this game that makes it so worth it. Ranger fan for now, but maybe a future Indian! https://t.co/KBXWMXtSqd
— shawn armstrong (@SArmstrong90) April 5, 2017
Shawn Armstrong made his Major League Debut on August 8 of 2015.
Great move by the Indians reliever to play catch with a Rangers fan before the game and more than likely with always be a memory for Drake.

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