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Heroes are NOT hard to find! Jimmy Donovan is proof of this

Jimmy Donovan

OF course, there is a great Fleetwood Mac LP titled “Heroes are hard to find.”  The lineup for this album was special. It was the last time Bob Welch recorded with the band along with the core of Mick Fleetwood, John McVie, and Christine McVie. What is the sports connection here? Check out the photo attached from the press box at Cleveland Browns Stadium. There is a wall dedicated to these gents and there is no doubt you will agree with my assessment above that especially in my life in sports heroes are NOT hard to find. There are so many gentlemen in this photo that gave so much to so many in life and professionally when to put it bluntly they did not need to do this! Some of the men in this photo went out of their way to make sure I succeeded, along with so many others in the world of sports journalism.


There are many men here who took time to nurture me and make me better, rather than just let me cast away into the deep and tumultuous waters of sports reporting, play by play, color commentating and all aspects of this journey I undertook. There are so many more also in this photo that I did not have personal contact with their artform that I still treasured and enjoyed. Sadly, the men, Pros Pros, I will discuss are no longer with us in the flesh, but they are always in my heart and soul, and in so many others.


Hal Lebovitz and Chuck Heaton always had an encouraging word or many more for me when I would encounter them as so often, they were together kibbutzing about sports and life. They always had constructive thoughts for me and some insight. Whenever we departed out of respect, I always noted to them “I love you guys,” and they appreciated my words. You draw your own conclusion how powerful it was for me to be named the CHUCK HEATON MAN OF THE YEAR award winner in 2019 by the Press Club. I spoke to his son that evening, the late great Minister of Culture Michael Heaton and said he was thrilled I won the award named after his Father.


The GIBBER, Gib Shanley, always had a life lesson for me when we chatted, or when I was in his company. Perhaps the best one ever was when the Browns were playing the Patriots in a preseason game in Toronto in the Sky Dome at that time. I was doing the network pregame, 1/2 time and post-game updates. It was Labor Day weekend 1993 and Donna (aka Mrs. Munch accompanied me as we took the lovely drive from our home in Lakewood to Toronto. An important note was she was VERY PREGNANT, with our first child due in a month but since we were 4 weeks out the Doc gave her permission to go by car. In the hotel lobby of the stadium complex we bumped into Gib and after some greetings he did note about our impending arrival. He relaxed when I told him we had the Doctor’s permission, and I did add “we needed to take this little trip as soon we would not be going out too much for a while. His comment as he put his hand on my shoulder. “You will really not be going out for 18 years!” Yes, son Clay was born early, less than two weeks later (and 2 weeks early) on September 9th.


Nev Chandler was not only a Browns play by play man but so much more. A great anchorman, humorous guy, sports savant, and good, good man. Nev was also the master at imitating voices. One evening there was an OHIO STATE BANQUET at the Holiday Inn Rockside and Nev plus yours truly were headed there. HC John Cooper was the guest speaker and on the way in the car we were listening to a radio station that neither of us were affiliated with at that time. The host noted that John would join his show in an hour or so after he was done speaking at the event. Well, Nev looked at me, asked if I knew the listener call in line and proceeded to call IMITATING Coops voice. He said, “you can expect us to use the tight ends more Saturday and attack and attack and attack through the air.” Well after the banquet we ran to the car, flipped on the station, and heard the host note “for the second time tonight we have OSU’s head coach John Cooper on the line. Well, you could tell John was confused by this but went ahead with the interview. At the very end, the host noted “Coach, could you talk about using the tight ends again to attack the opponent.” Well John was a bit indignant by this time and simply stated “Our tight ends need to block Saturday and that is what they will do.” Nev also did something that reflected on the man he truly was in all walks of life. In the ’93 early on there was a MNF game on the lakefront between as the Browns hosted the Niners. As Nev was throwing it to me with the halftime report he noted “the big news of the day is not only the Browns over SF at halftime but the arrival of Munch’s and Mrs. Munch’s first child. Clayton Andrew Bishop and Mom Donna are doing great, and Munch is a mess like always. Here he is…”!


I will never forget the day during a commercial break that John Lanigan noted to me “Casey is out in the hall and needs to see you.” I sat with my back to the window in the studio that faced a viewing area. I came out and “Caser” (as I referred to him) looked at the floor and asked me if my Mother “had long when she was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.” I told him 4 months and he said “Bud, I was just given that diagnosis.” I cried and he told me not to that as he was given a year and he would exceed that, which he did! Casey was “down the hall” at WTAM 1100 and always had time for a sports question and inquiry. He also was the main host for the Indians (at the time) pregame show so when I was asked to be the main host, I was not only thrilled but honored as I would carry his torch talking about our beloved baseball team.


Jimmy Donovan is NOT on that wall, and I am praying and asking you for your prayers that he is not on there for quite a while. Jimmy has always had a smile and sports questions for me when I would see him at events or at the stations as he was a frequent guest on so many shows. I was his “go to” guy for Ohio State 411 as I was still doing OSU pregame and post-game shows until 2007 and still kept tabs on my beloved Buckeyes. He made sure to always end our chats with a sincere THANK YOU. He would also share some “insider” info on what he knew was going on with our teams at the time. I would see him on a run through the Flats and he always had a smile and a wave when I drove by. When you watch or listen to Jimmy you are watching US and hearing US, the sports fans, and people of NE Ohio. Sure Jimmy is a Boston area native, but you cannot tell him or US that he is not part of Northeast Ohio. He was embraced and in turn embraced us from the get-go. Jimmy stepped down from the TV grind not long ago and yesterday stepped down as the voice of the Browns. He has seen and called for the most part an awful product (4 winning seasons since ’99 and a .334 winning %) and handled it with as much positivity as possible. He will continue to fight the good fight but does need our prayers and heartfelt positive vibrations. JIMMY BE ASSURED YOU ARE NOT FIGHTING ALONE. I LOVE YOU JIMMY DONOVAN as so does NORTHEAST OHIO. Keep fighting the good fight.




Please take care of each other and it’s your world, pay attention. Enjoy every sandwich. Long may you run.




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