Universal Champion Goldberg vs Brock Lesnar
Grade – A
I enjoyed this match, short but impactful. You got to see the very best of each man at high impact. It almost makes me wish The Undertaker match was the same length. Moving the title off of Goldberg and onto Brock was the right choice as well.
Smackdown Women’s Champ Alexa Bliss vs The Smackdown Women’s Roster
Grade – D
The match felt rushed and didn’t execute well. The double leg Sharpshooter by Natty was the only high spot. The predictable ending of Naomi winning also didn’t help matters. Bliss should have won.
Roman Reigns vs The Undertaker
Grade C
I’ll give credit to The Undertaker on this one, he looked good for all of 3 solid minutes, taking some serious bumps. After that, it went on for far too long and ended painfully for everyone involved. I will say this, Reigns was the right choice to end his career. If you truly think he is going to be the face of WWE, then this was the right move, if not, then it should have been Cena.

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