2. The Market for Kip
The Indians by all accounts would love to find a taker Jason Kipnis, who is due to make a whopping $14.6 million this upcoming season for the Tribe.
The team may try to shoehorn him in a deal for Kluber (if there’s one to be made) and force whatever team that wants the ace to also take Kipnis off their hands.
Trading Kipnis straight up is going to be tough, as there’s not a lot of teams that are looking for a player who is making that much money coming off a season hitting .230 with 18 homers and 75 RBI.
Look for the Indians to keep up their own narrative that Kipnis might end up back in the outfield (again) if the team doesn’t make a move to acquire some players that can play left or right, but there’s no doubt they’d love to move him at this point.

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