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Every Cleveland Team’s Christmas Wish List

The Browns


The Browns are like that kid who has THE LONGEST Christmas list ever. They can’t decide what they need most. But in this case, they’re not spoiled. They’re just so needy that getting one present would be just a drop in the bucket. The Salvation Army bucket outside of Wal-Mart.

Anyways, enough bashing the Browns, it takes away my holiday spirit.

The Browns are so difficult to pinpoint just one item they need for Christmas, so here’s a short, sweet, concise list.

A competent head coach
A competent general manager
A competent defensive coordinator
A playmaking wide receiver
A workhorse running back
Two new offensive linemen
A few new defensive linemen
Several linebackers
A couple cornerbacks
Another safety or two
Players who aren’t washed up and overpaid
One or two draft picks who don’t turn out to be busts
An owner and team president who don’t look clueless
And last, but not least, a franchise quarterback.

Other than that. They’re set.

Merry Christmas, everybody! And to all, a good night!

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Matt Medley is co-editor at NEO Sports Insiders, covers the Cleveland Cavaliers, Cleveland Indians and high school sports in Northeast Ohio. Follow @MedleyHoops on Twitter for live updates from games.

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