Several reports have now confirmed Kimbo Slice has passed away from unknown causes.
Per http://www.wrestlezone.com/ earlier today
Earlier today TMZ reported MMA fighter Kimbo Slice (real name Kevin Ferguson) was hospitalized in Florida earlier today, and the situation “does not look good” according to sources.
Law enforcement sources told TMZ Slice was admitted to the hospital near his home in Coral Springs, Florida, and police are currently getting information from family members.
Read more at http://www.wrestlezone.com/news/715917-kimbo-slice-hospitalized#f0IrjEru42jolir3.99
However, as moments ago, it is now confirmed, Ferguson has passed away. Stay tuned into NEO Sports, for a retrospective of Slices career in the coming hours. Kimbo was only 42 years of age.
You can follow Vince McKee on Twitter at VinceTheAuthor

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