This MMA preview is brought to you by the official sponsor of all things MMA and Boxing at NEOSI, the world class Workout Factory. You can visit them in person, and get the best workout of your life. They are located at 5508 Ridge Rd, Parma, OH 44129. Call today to schedule your first visit 440-476-6470. You can visit them online here.
I was honored to appear on the Brad Russell and Sam Bourquin Show on WAKR a little earlier today to talk UFC 226, Stipe, Brock and much more. You can find the entire segment below with the UFC conversation beginning at the 9 minute mark.
Remember fans, NEOSI remains the number one media outlet in all of Ohio for your MMA coverage. It can be Cageside, or in the cage itself depending on the promotion, we have you covered from bell to bell. No one, and we mean NO ONE, does it like NEOSI when it comes to the very best in MMA coverage in all of Ohio media.
Click here to listen to the interview on WAKR from Monday with Vince and Sam and Brad!
You can hear Sam and Brad Monday – Friday from 2-6pm.

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