5. LeBron’s Recruitment of Derrick Rose is encouraging. Of all the frustrating developments of this summer, LeBron’s engagement in playing a role to bring Rose to Cleveland is one of the few bright spots. It not only helps because Rose is a good player, who averaged 18 points per game in 2016-17, but it also shows LeBron hasn’t checked out of trying to improve the roster around him.
“He’s been helpful as ever,” Gilbert said. “He’s why Derrick signed here.”
Whether all fans like how much of a role LeBron has in roster composition, I’d rather see him actively trying to take part in building the team than if he was sitting on a beach somewhere letting Altman and Gilbert run the whole process.
If LeBron wasn’t involved in some of the decision making this summer, it would tend to point towards more apathy about the future of the organization and come across as a sign that LeBron was “letting the Cavs deal with their problem.”

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