Stories By Mark "Munch" Bishop
/ 1 year agoMunch Musings from E. 53rd Street and Hamm Avenue
Hope your Thanksgiving was filled with family and good times. Yes, I adhered to my usual Turkey Day routine, started the...
High School
/ 1 year agoThe KNIGHT time is the right time! Archbishop Hoban wins 30-6 over Walsh Jesuit
Any movie aficionado remembers the flick THE WARRIORS and the classic line “Who are the warriors”? I found out last night that the Walsh...
High School
/ 1 year agoBrecksville Broadview Hts vs Avon in D II Region 6 quarterfinal
High school football in NE Ohio is special and game 2 of the 6 games playoff slate is in the books....
/ 1 year agoMunch Musings from E. 53rd Street and Hamm Avenue
Truly so much on my sports gourd I need to share some of these items with you. Why is there always...
High School
/ 1 year agoEli Beach’s three touchdowns propel the Bees to victory
NEO Sports Insiders has your best High School football coverage. Last night I was at the UH St. John Medical Center...
/ 1 year agoAll needs to be better in my old neighborhood
Such a beautiful day however since the #MunchOnSports mantra is “People helping people” I need to address something that came my way NUMEROUS...
/ 1 year agoMunch Musings: “All pretty darn good in my old neighborhood!”
All pretty darn good in my old neighborhood! Yup one of the places in this great city that shaped me was...
/ 1 year agoMunch Musings from E. 53rd and Hamm Avenue on a sports Sunday in #TheCLE!
I need to start these musings with a disclaimer! Since per Browns fans the Ravens, especially Lamar Jackson, were doing as...
High School
/ 1 year agoAll good in my old neighborhood for the Archbishop Hoban Knights! Truly the KNIGHT TIME IS THE RIGHT TIME!
The neighborhood and streets around Archbishop Hoban High school were rockin’ last night as the Hoban Knights were hosting the hard...
/ 1 year agoMunch Musings from E. 53rd and Hamm Avenue on thee guy… Matt Loede
The last time I saw Matt, he was with his bride Shanna Loede, and they were at a Friday ROCK N BLAST...